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About Us

Partnering for excellence with standards bodies and industry associations

You require well-defined standards to implement with ease. We develop these through long-lasting partnerships with trusted experts and organizations.

Our partners support us in raising standards, enabling you to progress towards a sustainable world

By engaging and collaborating with the widest possible range of professional bodies to develop and refine standards, we ensure diverse voices are included.

You expect high-quality standards, training, qualifications and support from us. That's why we carefully select partners to work with who share the same level of knowledge, expertise and authority. They include independent consultants for implementing standards, testing laboratories, expert trainers, international standards bodies and industry associations.

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BSI Distributors

Benefit from becoming a BSI Distributor

Becoming a BSI Distributor enables you to earn revenue, gain marketing opportunities and build closer customer relationships.

The Distributor Programme lets you buy heavily discounted standards from us and resell them to your customers at a profit. We can also customize the standards you buy from us to your specification.

BSI Affiliates

Benefit from becoming a BSI Affiliate

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BSI Affiliates

The Associate Laboratory Programme (ALP) - a network like no other

The ALP network includes some of the best test laboratories around the world, rigorously audited to ensure the highest standards possible.

BSI Affiliates

The Associate Consultant Programme (ACP) - bringing choice to certification

The ACP can connect you with independent local consultants to give you the expert advice you need and support you towards certification.

BSI Affiliates

Connecting with standards bodies worldwide

We continuously collaborate with international standards bodies, strengthening our shared vision to help develop best practice.

BSI Affiliates

The Training Reseller Programme - helping share standards widely

We work with approved UK training organizations contracted to sell our courses directly, giving you more choice and flexibility.

Building the global ecosystem for standards and best practice

You can benefit from partnering with us or utilizing our partners' knowledge and expertise.

three women talking and smiling at event
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    Affiliates or Distributors can earn revenue and build closer customer relationships.

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    ACP members receive a logo and certificate to indicate experience with certified management systems.

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    As an ALP member, we will issue you an individually numbered certificate and an ALP plaque.

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    We work with respected standards bodies around the world including ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC.

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Access support from an established global network

You will benefit from the expert knowledge of our deep and broad partnership network across the majority of industries.

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